Climbing Guide Oltre Arco

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Suitable for
  • Women
  • Men
Topic of interest
number of pages
ITA - Italy
local region
South Tyrol


<p class="MsoNormal">The Oltre Arco climbing guide describes sport climbing from Verona to Val di Non. Oltre Arco covers the numerous climbing areas in the Adige Valley between Affi and Trento.<br>In collaboration with numerous developers and locals, a book has been produced that describes over 3,400 climbing routes in 78 areas on 544 pages.<br>Detailed, new topos for each climbing area, new approach sketches, new overview images for excellent orientation. Detailed area descriptions, access information with QR codes, color-coded routes (divided by difficulty) and much more.<br>Presented in a simple and clear design with plenty of additional information about climbing in Arco and the surrounding area and a must for anyone who goes climbing around Lake Garda.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">The following areas are included in the guide:<br>Garda, Ceraino Gorge, Monte Baldo, Monte Cimo, Forte San Marco, Tessari, Brentino, Ceredo, Valpolicella, Monte Lessini, Brentonico, Rovereto, Bessenello, Trento, Montevaccino, Vela, Zambana, Paganelle Plateau, Mezzocorona and Val di Non.</p>
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